Thursday, April 24, 2008


Why am I writing a blog? The entire reason that I decided to type out my thoughts to begin with was to prove myself right. I think about some pretty random things. This, you may say, is not unusual and everyone thinks about strange things from time to time. While this is more than likely true, I feel that it is necessary for my own benefit to put down some of these thoughts that I bat around in my brain at the most random of times. Most of the time I am amazed with myself at how I have ended up at this place in my mind thinking about this particular odd thing that has nothing at all to do with anything at this point in time in my day, year, life. I'm not at all convinced these thoughts are at all reader worthy so I will make a short disclaimer. If you choose to proceed in reading the inner most thoughts that I not only do not share with anyone but rarely remember to share with myself, you may be one of a few things. 1. Bored and wish you would have never wasted your time visiting this page. 2. Think less of the author but feel better about yourself for not being him. 3. Pull your hair out from reading the error riddled text before you and curse the American public school system. Then again, you may just find a new venue to pass some of your leisure time and go about your day. That being said, I humbly submit these works for your approval, or not. Like I have stated above, I'm really only doing it to prove myself right. Enjoy.

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